Today our school year begins officially we begin with a dream and we will possibly end with a nightmare. That's only because we end on Halloween and Los Dias The Day of the Dead so you know it's not really a nightmare that we're projecting it's just the day of nightmares seriously the end on a joyous note we have a big old party we love Halloween playing planks and nuts so that is what it is but today is the beginning where we start with a dream. This year I was inspired by this quote "intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
That is truly my goal in educating my children. I would believe that is the goal of every parent transitioning to home education. Parents observed the lack of character, integrity, and values in schools. The schools have deteriorated in so many ways it was hard to pinpoint until the pandemic thrust it into parents faces via online school at home. Character is built through deep connection, but schools became hollow and superficial. Just the facts needed to past the test not succeed at life. No integrity to be honest and good just how not to get caught. I value these things over the academics. I still teach the academics but to with the same emphasis. I want me children to be good adults not walking encyclopedias like me. I have joked before about putting my brain online in a second brain as outlined by Tiago Forte for my children to search instead of Google. My insights trump googles shifting facts I am referring to deep fake ai video and ai generated articles with outdated information. I kind of love it though because it weeds out those who lack critical thinking skills and the ability to parse information for relevant facts.
Today we happily start are educational journey with Dr. King's quote in mind for the year.
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