Mastering Chaos: How Building a Second Brain Can Transform Your Life

Building a Second Brain Transformed My Life Do you ever feel like your life is a constant juggling act, with so many thoughts, tasks, and re...

Monday, January 15, 2024

classically eccentric lol eclectic

I was going over my plans for the new year for my home store. And I realized that we are basically classically educating all of our children but just like the Trivium even our home education comes in three stages I found it rather hilarious to notice. So we use Charlotte Mason for the early years basically just literature based education going outside and playing and exploring but we still stick to the building blocks giving them the information necessary to go to the next stage even though the approach is Charlotte Mason it's still classical in nature. But I had noticed that Charlotte Mason was basically a classical educator when I read her books she emphasized mastery over anything else even though she did include or infuse the idea of teaching the whole child and pushing nature study her approach was still the same just expanded. And on that note I also have a middle school child of which we are firmly in the grammar statement no rent A lot of stage no oh crap I have to go over which stages or which oh no yeah we're in the logic State because the rhetoric stage is my high school goodness I like how I do voice recording so that way you can get all of these little things and then I can even upload them to my podcast but that's neither here nor there I just like to express my train of thought to let you know how easy it is to get these various types of classical education confused they are so similar but like I said Charlotte Mason expanded upon the base model of classical education. Classical education is kind of like what you think of when you study Socrates and Plato and the great thinkers of the world I could go into the African and Asian minds but you would barely know them but that's the thing about my curriculum I include them which is why I do a philosophy-based instead of a holy Christian or biblical based education. So classical education simply infused a biblical view and even though I really love the concept of school a and a relaxed homeschool they still emphasize biblical education of which I'm not totally opposed to it's just that I want my children to have a whole world view not a myopic world view. I don't want anyone to take offense when I mean myopic I mean just one religion when there are many religions of the world that speak the same thing based on a root philosophy. I'm a follower of universal law let's just put it that way. So well my 5-year-old is reveling in the Charlotte Mason method we still have a plethora of books that we go through that transcend the logic and rhetoric stages of a classical education but the approach for the logic stage is more or less based but those books or I should say workbooks or work pages are still basic narration dictation and composition notebooking style types of things which is kind of what was related to Charlotte Mason but nonetheless still a part of the classical education just adapted for a more modern view now with my oldest child he's in the rhetorical stages and we are more or less focusing on the Socratic method we discussed cuz everything in detail and debate heavily it's more or less a verbal book report and a debate on backing up one's assertions within those reports. This is the stage at which I want them to form some level of mastery in any subject basically at this point they should be pretty good with algebra but I mean I rather than focus on budgeting a checkbook. which goes back to learning how to take notes being productive as adults and getting their finances in order so they don't fall into hard times when I'm gone. So adapting a classical education to the modern world it puts more emphasis on the things that they actually need and not on the things that you know we're supported long ago although reading all of those various books do put them in the social scope of the high school book list I guess I don't know how to put it where when everybody reads the same information they all share a cultural societal Norm that's basis for the same decisions that would be made moving forward on how society should be built. I find it funny that a lot of people have never read Fahrenheit 151 or 1984 it's kind of disturbing but those things seriously should have been forced down everyone's throat because then it would be in the consciousness of everyone moving forward making all these decisions and then they would understand the references but I digress my focus is classically eclectic and starting off with a 5-year-old focusing holy on the Charlotte Mason method and then transitioning into the classical method and then finishing off with the Socratic method I honestly think that this is how education flows in daily life read books and discuss and explore that's all there is to it read discuss experiment explore discover repeat.

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