Mastering Chaos: How Building a Second Brain Can Transform Your Life

Building a Second Brain Transformed My Life Do you ever feel like your life is a constant juggling act, with so many thoughts, tasks, and re...

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Home education start to finish

Home education starts at birth. We have been institutionalized indoctrinated and brainwashed into believing that education stops at the age of 18. All adults at this point reading this article should know that we are always learning new things every day. So home education needs to be about teaching our children how to learn for the rest of their lives without us. When we give birth to children there are some basic things every adult knows we need to teach our children we have to teach them how to walk use the potty and eat actually. And then after that somehow we get them ready for the institutional school by teaching them their ABCs their numbers their their colors their shapes their name family members names family members titles like mom dad sister brother cousin Grandma uncle aunt how to write their numbers how to write their letters how to draw shapes how to color inside the lines or outside the lines. We're teaching them the basics but have forgotten how to teach them to know to learn in their own way inside their own homes while they're taking care of their daily tasks as an adult we learn while taking care of our children and working and our children need to understand how to balance their responsibilities to their home and family while still learning new things. Institutional learning was designed to teach children how to be diligent factory workers. It was designed to teach children how to obey authority of those of whom they are employed. It doesn't teach them the fundamentals of taking care of their day-to-day living. Schools have eliminated home economics and also trade classes. It's to the point where I had a very personal trigger when they took out cursive because to me it was a sure sign that they were trying to make them slaves. Think about history and what they did to slaves they didn't allow them to write or learn to read and unfortunately an alarming number of children are graduating from high school without the ability to read or to think critically to evaluate whether or not to follow the person in charge because they are taught to just blindly follow without question. Finally following is not okay I don't even want my children to blindly follow me I acknowledge when I make mistakes and I want my children to even call me out when I make simple mistakes with the understanding that I make decisions with their best interest in mind because they do not have all the tools that they're disposal to the same degree that I do for my own personal experiences. Mind you this method is difficult at times but that is because I was not taught all the things that I needed to be more effective as a parent to make sure that they have those critical thinking skills and for me to not make those mistakes for them to question my overall intention in the decision is that I make. I am learning how to make better decisions for me and my family. It's rather interesting to think that educating a child on how to think critically include morals values character development. And using philosophy is a good starting point for assessing good thoughts against bad thoughts and ideas and concepts and workflows and so on and so forth. So when I came up with my curriculum my main focus was to teach them how to make good decisions. To be good people and have excellent character traits. Well what are good character traits I mean we can start with the ten commandments. 
The seven deadly sins bring me back to why I name everything balanced burden because we have the burden of living in the world as opposed to living of the world. We are supposed to be in balance and harmony with the world and one another to foster peace. 
The fruits of the spirit show us how to be as we navigate the world. The world as it now seems to want everyone at odds with each other. The world wants chaos instead of order. 

I don't really like western philosophy but most reading this are most familiar with the terms and concepts. I have studied many religions and they honestly all teach the same things on how to be good people in harmony with the world as a plant and in harmony with the billions of inhabitants of the world. Pagans say in all things do no harm, don't shutter because the pagan were our doctors before modern medicine which is why they share the sentiment in their Hippocratic oath to do no harm. Eastern philosophy seems to focus on mental discipline but that mental discipline is expressed in how they interact with the world. Yoga discipline for the body so deep it impacts your organs and muscles. The universal understanding of a higher power can help keep an individual in check when it comes to hedonistic behavior. I mean the type of behaviors that not only harm oneself but also those around you. 

The concept of God doesn't have to be a being in the sky casting judgment, but if that is what you need so beit. I prefer to see God as the being in which I reside as a cell. Think about your own body and all the cells and bacteria that keep you healthy. This understanding of God for me is why I prefer to teach philosophy over religion. My children can find their own religion if they so choose and the curriculum is relevant to everyone in regards to character development at least. Philosophy is the heart of every religion. Religion can be considered a form of practice, the rituals conducted to exercise ones philosophy. Those principles exercised religiously. 😂 Meditation does not have to be exclusive from prayer. Both require focus of intention, gratitude, and calm. 

After all is said and done when we're teaching our children from scratch we teach them the basics on how to communicate after we give them the foundation of how to be a good person then we give them the foundation on how to communicate to others with critical thought. We teach them grammar and language and words and sentence structure how to type how to write. It is very simple when it comes to educating our children at home. I'm constantly talking to people who get confused about how to teach their children math and science and History but it's very easy getting encyclopedia go through the timeline because you know that old saying those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it and we have had some very bad things happen in the past that we definitely do not want to repeat. When we're teaching science of course we want to teach them how the world works but we can do that while we're walking around outside we can explain to them why it rains and snows the states of matter all of the elements in the world because we have to teach them which elements are safe and which elements are toxic to their bodies which vitamins are crucial for healthy nutrition how to prepare food so that they are healthy happy and wise. Yes we can go deeper if we so desire but the fundamentals are very simple and those are the foundation for building our next Doctor studying history builds our next lawyer studying psychology sociology it's all important those humanities are very important for building the people who will change the world. And that is what our children are the next generation of individuals to make sure that the world keeps on going. Not just for them but for the generations that follow. Institutions make it seem like we have to teach well we do kind of have to teach geography and geometry but it's not on the same level that we learned in high school there's definitely a lot of excess that is unnecessary that's being taught that people want to bring into their homes. In hindsight I'm sure most adults realize that most of the stuff they learned in school is truly unnecessary busy work but that's because schools are designed to have multiple students and it's a conveyor belt don't ever forget that we're building or I should say the schools are building diligent little busy bees ready to work in factories or in worst cases prisons. So the curriculum that I chose was very simple to lay the foundation so that they would get a little bit of everything and that way it would Foster their curiosity to go as far as they like in whatever discipline they so choose. My main goal in teaching science is to teach them about the world around them their own bodies as well as how to take care of their pets and plants. When it came to teaching math I need them to be able to do the obvious add subtract multiply and divide algebra I swear is honestly used in daily life because algebra factors in variables all the different things that happen in your life the different changes ups and downs are all variables that you need to consider. Along with science and the philosophy of how to formulate experiments is basically how I teach my children they are for the rest of their lives. Every human being is a scientist because we always observe we always create hypothesis we always conduct experiments and then we formulate conclusions from those experiments.
That's it I teach them these foundational skills and concepts and keep it moving that's all they need along with the appreciation for music and art and the ability to create their own creative outlets whatever it may be. So don't fret educating your children at home is very easy obviously you need some worksheets because they need to practice their writing skills and their math skills and actual practice writing is very important when it comes to remembering things. Human beings are visual beings we process things visually even blind people using their hands create images in their heads however they might imagine them depending upon when they became blind but honestly blind people still recognize shapes. When they feel things they recognize the shapes of those things and they create images in their minds eye. My grandfather was blind and we had to learn Braille so I mean honestly can you really say that we are not visual beings. Even when it comes to attraction to our mates it's physical albeit it also includes pheromones and other things but we have five senses to experience the world so it's not surprising that there are other things that go into it, but the reality of the matter is it still boils down how we perceive things. Be it spatial awareness visual awareness auditory awareness even with those inputs when we recall things do you not have an image in your head when you would recall information? You can read as many studies as you like but this post basically boils it all down for you I'm a fan of keeping it simple and boiling things down to their simplest things so that they are not overly complicated that's how I'm able to teach my children that's how I'm able to express to them simple concepts of which they can then build upon for themselves and formulate their own understanding of the basic concepts. But at the end of the day I don't ever want them to forget the basic foundation that is what home education is start to finish. So to recap what does home education entail teaching our children how to communicate through written language visual languages auditory languages. What is written language I think we already know that is in this day and age written texts typed text as well as code to make all the lovely apps that we interact with. It's clear on how we do visual languages that's drawing again all types of art medium it could be sculpting metal work it's a visual language communicating feelings evoking feelings. Auditory languages music and of course with instruments and voice. so of course we had to teach him how to talk right. We teach them how to walk and exercise and cook for themselves so that they can nourish themselves we teach them what is good for their bodies and what is bad for their bodies. And teaching geography we teach them how to get around in their world after we teach them how to walk. We teach them how to read a map read a compass as well as how to identify issues in the gps. So if you ever get overwhelmed on what it is you need to teach your children just realize it doesn't have to be over complicated have conversations with your children teach them how to read how to write and how to communicate be it via the written word art music even dance I forgot about dance I love to dance but it's been so long since I've actually done it oh adulthood so many things get lost along the way sometimes when we don't have systems in place to maintain those hobbies we love the most.

In conclusion when I formulated all of the books that I used to teach my children it was with the end goal in mind to teach my children to be good people had a nourish themselves how to express themselves both logically and creatively and that's it obviously I want them to be able to navigate the world they live in the community they live in as well as how the world works around them I mean plants animals the weather and politics at this point. If you teach your children how to budget and how to maintain their homes as adults you have succeeded as a home educating parent. Your children don't need to know all the presidents although it's nice to know what each one of those presidents did but are you teaching them about other dictators and other rulers and government officials that run the world around them which influence global commerce as it is now? I tried to implement a worldview not an American view of the world I teach world history as well as American history obviously I teach them American history because that is where we live I teach them world history because we do not live in a bubble we live in a world where we will have to interact with other nations around the world and it helps to understand why they do the things that they do how they came to do the things that they do and to appreciate and or simply acknowledge that they have the right to do the things they do the way that they do them because that is what is best for them and that is how we are supposed to work with one another to maintain the balance in the world. Everyone is not the same everyone does not need the same things some people need to have the big house because of whatever reason others do not some are happy with just having the basics. I'm a firm believer that I am one of those that just need the basics but I think everyone just needs the basics the hierarchy of needs comes to mind.

In conclusion home education from start to finish is simple have communication with your children read good books and explore the world around you outside near and far.

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